Jacqueline Walker - Data Enthusiast

Welcome, please have a look around and reach out with any and all thoughts or questions.
Below are a few of my projects, a little about myself, and how you can reach me.
I'd love to hear from you!
- Jacqueline

A Little About Me

I'm a former data loving science specialist turned avid data enthusiast. Recently completing a data science bootcamp through General Assembly, I have learned how much I enjoy and appreciate the potential that data has to offer. I love that my interaction with data is just as much an art as it is a science. Continually honing my intuition and honoring my curiousity helps keep me sharp as I continue to explore, learn, and grow.

As I continue to develop my skillset my passion expands daily. I strive to make connections within data that translate to authentic, impactful outcomes for the human-beings behind the numbers.

Say Hello

Jacqueline Walker
Austin, Texas

Predicting Recidivism Probabilities

Using random forest classifier to predict probabilities of 40,000 current Texas inmates reoffending.

Predicting Home Prices

Using regression models to predict home sale prices for approximately 2,900 homes in Ames, Iowa.

Reddit Posts - Fact or Fiction

Using NLP and logistic regression to predict which subreddit a given body text belongs.